How long will my baby have to wear their P-POD?
The length of time your baby will need to wear their helmet to properly treat their Baby Flat Head Syndrome varies depending upon a few important factors. The most important are:
The age of your baby at the start of treatment
The severity of the flattening
Compliance to wearing the helmet 23 hours each day
In most instances, babies will be required to wear their helmet for 4-6 months. Treatment can sometimes take longer when babies are older than the target range for treatment, begin treatment with more severe flattening or wear their helmet less than is indicated by their doctor.
Fortunately, helmet therapy is a simple treatment and lasts for a very brief period.
How can I keep the P-POD clean?
Keeping the P-POD clean is very simple. Each day you will have a one hour window where your baby does not wear their P-POD. Before you bathe your baby, during the "helmet-free" hour, clean the inside of the helmet with isopropyl rubbing alcohol and water. Then set aside to dry while you bathe your baby.
Is the P-POD comfortable for my baby?
The P-POD is made of a proprietary foam that is softer than most of our competitors. You will find that your baby adjusts very quickly and easily to wearing their helmet.
Will insurance cover my baby’s P-POD?
Insurance coverage varies depending upon what company and coverage you have. We can work with your health care provider to help navigate your insurance coverage.
How many visits will I need for the P-POD treatment?
Your child’s doctor will share their treatment plan with you at the beginning of helmet therapy. Most doctors will want to take measurements and check the helmet every one to two weeks.
Will my baby have trouble adjusting to wearing their P-POD?
Most parents find that babies adjust to full-time helmet wearing very quickly. By following the P-POD adjustment schedule, your baby will ease into their treatment.
frequently asked questions

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